A new puppy left inside all day means trouble. Children left with a pantry full of desserts means trouble. Do you know what else means trouble? A toothache.
Many people try to get away with ignoring any sort of toothache, assuming that it will just go away on its own. However, most toothaches will not disappear, and they will cause a great deal of trouble. The reason being is that a toothache is usually a symptom of another issue, one that will need attention to be resolved.
Toothaches generally do not just happen. Teeth are living features inside the mouth, and when something is wrong with one, it will begin showing signs of distress. A toothache that occurs and lasts for more than a few days indicates that you need to make a dental appointment immediately. Damage to a tooth, infection, or decay will all give warning signs, which usually begin with a toothache.
There are different causes for toothaches, some of which are minor issues, but others of which are extremely serious. Gum recession is a dental issue that can cause sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. While not always serious, if gum recession is allowed to persist, it can leave the teeth vulnerable to more grave issues. A toothache can also be caused by a filling that has come out. Each time a cavity is filled, the tooth is drilled into and a hole is left behind. When the tooth is filled, it is protected from anything foreign entering the tooth. Yet, if a filling comes loose, the hole is left open and it becomes extremely painful whenever something sweet, hot, or cold touches the tooth. A tooth that is missing a filling is exceptionally vulnerable to decay and needs to be fixed immediately. Other causes of a toothache are a cracked tooth, an infected tooth, an abscess, and gum disease. What is most important to understand is that none of these issues will resolve themselves on their own. They all require professional dental attention to relieve your pain and restore oral health.
At Mansouri Family Dental Care & Associates, we are here for all of your dental needs. Please do not ignore any type of toothache. Call us today.
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4720 Lower Roswell Rd
Marietta, GA 30068
Phone: (770) 973-8222
Email: MFamilyDental@gmail.com
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm