With kids going back to school, there are all kinds of things you need to do to get them prepared for the new school year. If your child is going to play sports, an important piece of that preparation will be ensuring your child’s teeth will be protected. Student athletes have all types of protective equipment to help them stay safe, and the mouthguard should be part of it, if your child is playing certain sports.
Parents may not be aware of the prevalence of mouth trauma affecting kids from ages 7 and up who are involved in school sports. Some sports such as football, hockey and lacrosse have requirements for certain protective gear and the mouthguard is part of it. Yet other high-risk sports do not have these types of regulations.
High Risk Sports
Even though lacrosse, football and hockey are obviously high risk for mouth trauma, the requirement for mouthguards along with helmets lowers the risk. This is not true for other high-risk sports. Basketball is notorious for mouth injuries. Baseball, soccer, softball, wrestling, volleyball and gymnastics are among the activities that leave students open to mouth trauma.
Students between the ages of 7 and 12 years old are more likely to have dental injuries playing baseball. Students 13 years old and up are more likely to have these types of injuries playing basketball. Mouth trauma is also prevalent in leisure activities.
While your child may wear a helmet while bicycling, the most common sports product related to dental injuries in juveniles is the bicycle. Roller skating, inline skating and skateboarding are also considered risky activities when it comes to dental injuries.
Custom Made Mouthguards Reduce Dental Trauma
When you consider that most of the dental injuries during sports play happen to youth, it makes sense to find ways to minimize the risk. Many of these injuries would not happen if mouthguards were required. They are available over the counter at most pharmacies and some discount stores. Commercial mouthguards can be helpful to a degree; however, a custom-made mouthguard will provide the perfect fit and safe coverage your child needs.
The custom made mouth guard is constructed to provide maximum protection for the teeth. It is professionally fitted and checked by your child’s dentist for comfort and effectiveness. A well-fitting mouthguard is important for several reasons. Not only does it protect the teeth and gums, if the mouthguard fits well, your child will wear it. Ill fitting mouthguards can damage teeth and kids often do not wear them correctly as they try to find a comfortable position, or they may not wear it at all if it is uncomfortable.
At Mansouri Family Dental Care & Associates, we make sure your child’s mouthguard is comfortable and effective. Protect your child’s teeth and contact us to schedule an appointment so your child can have a safe time on the playing field.
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4720 Lower Roswell Rd
Marietta, GA 30068
Phone: (770) 973-8222
Email: MFamilyDental@gmail.com
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm