Good health is typically described as being able to live a full life with the absence of discomfort or disease. Low-carb diets, KETO, counting calories, drinking water, exercise – a huge amount of attention is given to all of these to promote better health. Fad diets have been around for decades, and they are constantly changing to give people a new fix to promote better health and a superior life. Yet, do you know that there is something simple that you can do, starting today, that can help you on your way to better health? It is something so simple that most people tend to overlook its benefits. In fact, it is something that most people would never even think about when setting a goal for better health.
Flossing teeth has been around for hundreds of years. Archeologists have found evidence that people used to use animal hair to remove debris from their teeth. Aren’t you glad that we have better options today?! But the fact that people have been using tools to clean their teeth for hundreds of years lets us understand how important clean teeth are.
While our great-great ancestors may not have understood the true importance of dental floss – they simply wanted a means to remove food particles stuck in their teeth – today, we have the insight and knowledge of how beneficial flossing is.
Dental floss is a tool that helps remove bacteria-laden plaque from the gum line. Plaque is a very sticky substance that is not easily removed, which is why your dentist tells you that you should brush and floss daily. In fact, if you had to choose between brushing and flossing, your dentist would tell you that flossing your teeth is more important! Allowing plaque to build up at the gum line of your mouth is dangerous to your oral health and your overall health.
The gum line is living tissue within your body, and all living tissues inside your body are connected. Any infection within your mouth can easily and quickly travel through your blood stream to other vital organs and systems. People with diabetes, heart conditions, and women who are pregnant are especially susceptible to ill-effects of gum disease. Those who do not suffer from serious health conditions can continue to promote a healthier lifestyle by flossing. They are helping to prevent conditions by simply taking better care of their oral hygiene.
At Mansouri Family Dental Care & Associates, we want to encourage all of our patients to floss daily. By simply adding this small habit into your daily routine, you can floss your way to better health.
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4720 Lower Roswell Rd
Marietta, GA 30068
Phone: (770) 973-8222
Email: MFamilyDental@gmail.com
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday: 7:30 am - 5:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm